Monday, 2 July 2007

Welcome to the world of Tomorrow!

I had been feeling different recently, and today it had grown to a whole new level. I was feeling so much more alive. My vision had sharpened up bringing even distant objects into crisp focus. Thousands of small back ground sounds where emerging into my consciousness. I felt a kind of musical beat in my body and sauntered around almost dancing to it.

I felt younger and if I didn't know better I would say that I looked younger. My skin tingled again just like it did when you are younger. I was sleeping less, I woke up this morning just after eight o'clock feeling great which was quite surprising considering I had gone to bed sometime after three o'clock in the morning very drunk. Five or six hours a night and a small half hour nap in the afternoon seemed to be all the sleep I needed.

Maybe the film
Sleeper was correct, the real secret to good health was in fact drinking nearly every day, eating rubbish and doing no exercise apart from walking about a bit?

I had a lot to do today, I had a pile of blog notes wanting to be written up, a job to find, a Charity to publicize and a CV to tweak. But I just felt to good to do any work, my mind was buzzing so I went to the park and lay there for hours pondering in the warm winter. It was great, I was growing to really appreciate thinking and contrary to all the evidence in the posts bellow I am very good at it.

One word of advice is don't feed the birds in Australia they are very brave, very smart and unlike the English birds they work in teams. I threw a bit of bread to one of them, it chirped and within seconds about ten of its friends arrived looking at me expectantly.

To keep myself busy today I've set myself the little mini project today and that was to compliment everyone I interacted today. It's harder than it sounds, especially if your buying a sandwich from subway and there are five people serving you production line style standing next to each other. By the third compliment they knew something was up and collectively gave me a weird look, like being nice to people is something dirty and wrong.

I am looking for a new project to work on, something on the scope of my old project of using a magic 8 ball to make all my decisions but hopefully not as destructive. The idea behind that project was that in life your decisions are half chance or expressed mathematically (its OK,relax, its very simple entertaining maths):

   choice     = result
random factor
Or rearranged slightly by multiplying both side by random factor (in maths you can do whatever you like to an equation as long as you do it to both sides).

choice = result x random factor

My theory was that by adding a another random factor to the choice side like using my magic 8 ball. Would allow me to divide the whole equation through by random factor and effectively remove it from the equation. Unfortunately it actually worked out like this as the random factor was actually subtracting from choice rather than multiplying it. My Result:

choice - random factor = result x random factor

or in another way

choice = result x random factor + random factor.

That's the mathematical way of proving that my life got a lot more random.

Anyway as always I'm always open for ideas and suggestions.

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